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These videos were shot by Chuck Wilkins, father of John Wilkins, a long-time friend from Lakewood. Mr. Wilkins would shoot the football film for Lakewood Sr. High, so would occasionaly take his gear and us to the beach. Another Lakewood teammate and friend, Tom Knudson, converted Mr. Wilkins films and sent them to me several years back. I didn't really know how to make them available until I got into the world of Linux and very small matchbox sized computers, because I kept getting hounded by PG&E for energy consumption running a full sized 120 volt server. My new server consumes 5v, so stuff it PG&E. PS.... If you get a "Plugin error" when selecting the video, then select "Original Image" and the video should then open. You may need to download the VLC plugin for your smart phone if want to play it from there. http://www.videolan.org/vlc/ is the link.


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